Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Wow! I am so tired of doing this.

It is so boring to weigh myself everyday and then come down to my computer and write down what my weight is- especially since it doesn't change and I am not having much luck. I hope that things will get better when I finish the flax seeds. I am getting a lot of exercise by biking and playing hockey and I guess I doing mindful eating, but I couldn't say for sure. It was stopwatch eating and I found that too cumbersome. So now I count to 80 between bites and I am such a space cadet that I can't even count to eighty if the TV's on. My weight is 212.5 pounds today and that is down half a pound, but I think what I mean about mindful eating is that I am aware that I am hungry and I am aware that I am not hungry. And before I wasn't aware; I just ate all the time.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

I am 213 pounds today.

I have gained one pound in the past three weeks so clearly what I am doing is not working. I have backed off from stopwatch eating and what I do now is count to eighty between bites; it is a lot easier. I don't have to worry about remembering to press the stopwatch before and after. I am eating more slowly; that is the main thing.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

I gained more weight and I gained an inch today

Yesterday must have been a bad one. I have really hurt my body from doing too much actual moving of junk that I have to throw out from my basement and I am rather sore. I have these strange ideas that taking Advil makes my weight go up and I did take Advil. But mostly I think that my weight and my waistline increase because of flax. That stuff is really fattening. Once I finish it, I won't buy it again. I'll let you know if my weight decreases.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

I don't understand what's happening to me

I think I'm looking fitter, but my weight continues to rise. It is now 212 pounds.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

I'm 210 pounds today

So…I lost a pound and a half since yesterday. Wow! That's a lot. I hope it continues. But I've only lost a total of two pounds in two and a half weeks so I am not losing weight too fast that's for sure. I am getting fitter. I am getting better. And the most important thing is that I'm not overeating. Stop watch eating is really important to me. The place that I feel the most pressure to eat fast is in a restaurant. I only have this life; it's important that I savour it.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Avoid flax

It's fattening. I gained a pound today. I know most of these changes come from water retention or at least it's water weight. I am not happy that my weight is going up. I can't wait until I finish my flax and then I will never buy it again. When I bought it, I bought it because it had omega 3's, but I had no idea how many calories it has. Now, I just want to finish it and never buy it again. I also will never buy chia seeds again although they are delicious. Same reason. I may be gaining weight because of weight lifting. I am losing inches and that is the main thing. My belly is still too big which is good because I have another 40 pounds to lose or at least 20.